University of Michigan Circle K Website

Screen shot of Circle K home page.
Skills Used
- Web Programming (PHP & MySQL)
- Web Design
The goal of this project was to create a website for a University of Michigan service organization that was useful, functional, and interesting.
I created this website during the '02-'03 school year for my community service organization during undergrad. The organization has around 200 members and holds anywhere from 10 to 20 meetings and events during the week. My goal was for the site to serve as a tool for both recruitment and club members.
What I did
I started by reviewing the current (now past) website and talking with club leaders about the requirements for the site. I also got feedback from members, who wanted the site to be more "fun." The home page on the site now features randomized quotes and pictures, so that each visit to the site results in the same overall appearance but different supplementary content. The page is also done in Circles, to reflect the name and logo of the organization, Circle K.
The Circle K website features a rich back-end content management system that includes a member directory and hours database. This allows members to get to know one another through the site, and to check their own service activity. Club leaders can update important information (such as the upcoming events and meeting information) through a web interface - this makes it possible for those without web building experience to update the site. Additionally, members can login to the site to take advantage of member-only resources while administrators can view stats about visits, page vies, and sessions. For example, one task an administrator can do with the custom stats program I wrote is view an entire session to see the order in which a visitor clicked on and viewed pages of the site.
Though I no longer maintain the site, the layout and design remains almost completely intact. The site is used daily by club leaders, members, and others such as organizations Circle K works with and potential members. It has won several international awards over the last few years.
View the site: The University of Michigan Circle K